
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Generation 1: Chapter 2 - First Day of Work

 I woke up around sunrise. Lazily hopping out of bed I made my way to the fridge to grab breakfast, eating on the toilet again, of course.
 After eating I decided it'd be a good idea to brush my teeth. It was my first day of work after all, I didn't want to get known as "The Designer with bad Breath".
 I called my overseer to see if he had any leads yet. Turns out he had a bunch! I headed out to one that wanted a new library room.
 Once I arrived I waited for the owner to vacate the premises so I could get to work. When I saw who the owner was, I was a little shocked. I mean, I'd read about him on the internet in college. He was a low class celebrity, but a celebrity nonetheless.
 Once I finished up the job I walked up the stairs and looked at it for a little while. I thought I did pretty good for my first job ever, I mean, I could have done worse right?
 I cautiously went outside to the sidewalk to tell client his room was ready. I was nervous partly because it was my first job, and partly because he was a celebrity. If he didn't like it, it's safe to say that would get around the whole town.
 He headed inside to check out the room. I hanged around the stairwell, watching, checking his reactions. He didn't seem too impressed or too depressed, so I really had no idea what he was going to say to me as he came up the stairs. We walked outside and he patted me on the shoulder.

"Nice job kid, I really like it. It's all stuff I'd never think of, but I love nonetheless! I'll give you a little extra for being awesome at your job, here's 50," he said, patting my shoulder the whole time. I was in awe, and I felt like I would fall over from his patting. I came to my senses fast enough to thank him and collect my pay.
 After I got home I decided it'd be a good idea to call up Shirley. I hadn't seen her all day, and I knew I probably wouldn't see her by chance any time soon. She said she'd be right over and I suddenly got nervous.
 I hopped in the shower and washed every inch of me twice. Once I got out, I brushed my teeth five times, and washed my hands four. I cleaned my 'house' another two times and cleaned out my fridge. Man am I a neat freak...
 When she arrived I was so happy I couldn't contain myself! I ran over to greet her and start chatting.
 We started chatting, and chatting and chatting until I decided to make my move! I started flirting subtly, and she didn't seem to pick up on it, so I kicked it up a notch...
 And she loved it! She grabbed my face and pulled in close. All I could see were those gleaming eyes, and that cute smile, and I melted. She giggled like she always did and looked down. She gasped when she saw my watch and pulled away. "Is it really that late!? I have to get going Leon, I'm sorry! I had a really great time, I hope we can do this again sometime. See you".
 I stood and watched as she sprinted away. I knew she probably had to go to bed so she could get up in the morning for work, and I knew I should have asked her to stay over, but I couldn't muster up enough courage.
I slipped into bed and lied awake for a good hour, just beating myself up about not inviting her to stay over. After a realized I had work the next day too I quickly emptied my head and nodded off to sleep. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Generation 1: Chapter 1 - Founder's First Day

Hello, my name is Leon Yamaha. I haven't written any type of life log since I was young, so bare with me for a little while as I try to remember how to do this.
After graduating university and getting my bearings in order I realized I barely had any money to make a home. With student loans to pay off, the Realtor selling me on this huge lot to buy, and leaving enough money to sustain myself, I could only scrounge up enough money for this dump.
 I wasn't quite sure how to start off my new life of living alone. Sure most people would consider living at university "living alone", but there there are a plethora of people to talk to whenever I wanted to. Here I'm left alone with nothing but a shack and a bed. So I just waited for the paper to come....
 When it finally came (I'll tell ya, I envy that kid that delivers these, getting up so early everyday) I picked it right up and searched the wanted ads. I found a business that was hiring Architectural Designers! It said that they would help you get off the ground, set up a few jobs here and there, put out a little advertising, but getting known was up to you. I immediately called them up and got a job!
 With work not starting until tomorrow, I had the whole day to explore my new town. I hopped into a taxi and asked them to take me to the nearest park!

Once I got there though, it was really dead... It wasn't much of a park either, just a strip of land down the middle of City Center.

If I wanted to meet people, I decided, I had to go somewhere else! So I hailed another taxi and asked them to take me anywhere they knew there'd be people.
 The driver dropped me off at the community garden a little further out of town. I happily thanked him, payed my due and went to explore the nice garden.
 The moment I walked in I noticed this beautiful women just standing there smiling at the flowers. I made my way over, starstruck, and introduced myself.

"Hi, my name's Leon Yamaha, I just moved in today," I started, extending my hand for a handshake.

"Oh, nice to meet you Leon. My name's Shirley Lin, and I think you'll like it here. It's always so peaceful and the people are so nice as well," she replied, in a beautiful voice that sounded like that of an angel's. She grasped my hand ever so lightly and shook it ever so tenderly, I was afraid I might brake her.
 We started chatting about anything really, and I found out a few things about her. She really loved medicine and helping people, she even had a job over at the hospital. She only cleaned bed pans, but I thought it was great she was following her dreams.
 We talked a little more and I started to want to ask her more and more things. I wanted to know everything, her favorite color, favorite food, favorite type of music, if she was single, if she ever thought about getting married, everything was rushing through my mind at the speed of light. Sadly I could only muster enough saliva to ask two questions. 

"S-so, um, what's your favorite color? Mine's purple," I said with a stutter and a shy smile. 

She graciously giggled a bit and answered with that tone that people can only use when they're laughing a little, "My favorite color's pink, and since we're on the topic, is there anything you'd like to know?"

I couldn't stand it, the smile, the laugh, and that voice, I had to ask. "Well, um, actually, how should I ask this....well are you seeing anyone right now?" I thought I broke her mind for a minute, she just stood there, smiling blankly.

Finally she seemed to snap out of it and answered like nothing had happened, "No, I'm no seeing anyone at all  right now".
 After a little awkward silence, a guitarist started playing and we turned to listen. Even if we weren't talking I just enjoyed standing by her.
 Before I left, I decided to gather a few vegetables from the patches that were there, after all it was a community garden. 
 After heading home, I grabbed some bread and jam from my fridge and ate it on my toilet. I sadly couldn't even afford a table and a single chair. It lessened the pain a little to know that I was such a neat freak I cleaned the toilet regularly.
After my sad meal I got ready for bed (I had to change directly from my suitcase), and pulled back my covers. The bed was cheap and had noisy springs, but it felt good to lie down after a long day. Tomorrow at 8:00am I went on call for the first time as an Architectural Designer.

*NOTES* - My first day playing Leon was fun, and I glad I started this legacy. Sadly all this happened before Generations even came out, so nothing new and shiny that's not in other legacies yet, but I do have Generations now and am happy to say new Generations items and scenarios will show up a few chapters down the road.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Leon Yamaha's Introduction

Leon Yamaha
Life Time Wish
Surrounded By Family
Raise 5 Children from Infant to Teen
Great Kisser - Family Oriented - Vegetarian
Neat - Perceptive
PB&J - Pop - Violet

*NOTES* - Leon is the founder of my legacy, and also named for one of the first Vocaloids produced using Yamaha's Vocaloid Voice Synth Program, Leon. This legacy's "theme" will be that all children this generation and onward will be named for Vocaloid, UTAU or Nico Nico Douga singers. I hope you enjoy the legacy, so please comment when ever I post something. I love feedback, it makes me feel like I'm doing this for a purpose, so seriously try and comment xD;;